The first column contains the announcement title, which is constructed as an XHTML anchor element that links to the announcement's detail page. 第一列包含公告标题,这构造成一个链接到公告的细节页面的XHTML锚元素。
The first ( and only) sorted column contains the ASIN field. 第一个(也是惟一一个)排序列中包含ASIN字段。
The first column contains a sort arrow that shows that the column can be sorted in ascending order, but it is not currently sorted. 第一列中包括一个显示这一列可以按照升序排序的排序箭头,但并不是当前的排序。
The first column contains the task, and the next two columns designate whether or not the task works based on its origin. 表中的第一列包含任务,后面两列指明任务是否在其原始平台上进行操作。
The first appended column, PREDICTED_CLASS, contains the prediction. 第一个附加的列PREDICTEDCLASS包含预测。
For all graph types except scatter, the first column to be imported is the series name, the second column contains the category, and the third column contains the data. 对于所有类型,除了散布图,第一列从外地输入的是该系列的名称,第二列包含类,第三列包含的数据。
For example, if a data set contains a column for first name and another for last name, using the expression builder you can concatenate the values into one data element. 例如,如果一个数据集具有一个叫做firstname的列,还有一个叫做lastname的列,那么你可以利用表达式构建器将二者连接起来组成一个新的数据元素。